Monday, May 25, 2009

Slow Down! You are growing way too fast . . .

Connor and Chloe

Enjoying a spring afternoon on the back porch

Yet another new toy for me to play with

Mmmmmmm . . . Rice Cereal!

Mommy feeding me rice cereal

Me & Mommy swinging - one of our favorite things to do!

Farmer in the dell, the Farmer in the dell . . .

Mommy's little pets - you can see three in this pic

The Lone Deer - she always comes first & then the others follow

Sleeping Beauty - in his own room!

Really guys? Not another picture!

I love to stand, so this is becoming a favorite play thing

Baby Connor's First Rice Cereal Feeding

It has been an exciting month of changes for Connor! We had our 4 month well visit and Connor is in the 75 percentile for height, weight and head circumference. He is now 25 and a half inches long and weighs 15 pounds 9 ounces. He is a our little chub-a-lub. The doctor said he was doing fabulous and seemed to be a very easy going baby. We'd have to agree, of course!

She also gave the green light on trying rice cereal. We've attached a video of his first feeding. Hope you guys enjoy it. We also changed his feeding from 6 fize ounce bottle feedings to 5 six ounce bottle feedings. Either way he gets 30 ounces a day, but now he gets it in five feedings instead of six. We also moved him to his crib! He's been sleeping in his own room now for about a week and he's doing great! His only problem is that he is a back scooter! We get up in the morning to find he has pushed himself into the uppermost corner of the crib! He's a little rascal this one. One other change is that we now no longer wake him at 5am for a feeding. We let him sleep. New sleeping times are from about 10pm to 7am! What a good sleeper!!

We also saw the therapist last week and she also had good news. His torticollis is pretty much non-existant now and we're just working on strengthing his neck with some new excercises. She'll continue to meet with us every so often just to make sure it doesn't come back when he starts new phases like crawling, walking, etc.

Other than that, we're just hanging in here, keeping things pretty low key. We went & saw AJ's new place this weekend. For those of you who don't know, AJ is Aunt Jennifer. She just closed on her place in Durham. CONGRATS JENN!! This coming weekend we're taking our first road trip to Charleston to see Aunt Krissy and Uncle Wes and we're also going to visit Kevin's cousin Karen and her family while we are there. Pictures of that coming soon!

Also in good news - we got Mommy her very own camera! Now we don't have to wait so long to post things!

Hope everyone is doing well. More to come after our adventure next weekend!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Connor's Got a New Toy!

Connor's New Toy Video

Connor Playing in Playland

Connor has a new toy! Aunt Kathy loaned us her bouncy station and Connor just loves it! The physical therapist recommended this as his next big toy so that it will help his neck stay strong and upright. He is doing really well with therapy, by the way. We don't go back for another three weeks, but she did add some new exercises to the routine so that we can get him up and going. This video clip shows that happening! He looks like he is running in this thing. So funny. Kevin was in tears he was laughing so hard!

Mommy also got Connor some hand puppets as he seems to really like those. He especially loves his Cookie Monster one. He just grins so big when I use that to entertain him. He is at a really fun stage now. Each stage is so amazing. Hard to believe he is already almost four months old. We'll let ya'll know how the check up goes on Tuesday. He sure is chunking up!!

Connor is also really starting to hold on to his toys and bring them to his mouth! I don't know how this stuff happens overnight, but it seems like it does. Friday night he also rolled over completely - from his back to his tummy four times! So much is happening all at once! My little boy is growing up . . .

Today is also my first Mother's day and while it is bittersweet day for me, I have to say again that I love being a Mom. There is nothing like it. I think a Mother's love is like no other. It is very powerful and magical. To know that I was once loved like this really brings it home to me. I miss my Mom and wish she was here today to see Connor, but I know she is watching over us from up above. I wish all of you that are mothers a Happy Mother's Day.

Hope everyone has a good week!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Time Flies When You Are Having Fun

Have I mentioned lately how much Kevin & I love being parents?? It's just so exciting to see all of Connor's new developments and just know that we made this handsome little tyke! He's really growing so fast. Martha even said to us about a week ago, "I don't know what happened over the weekend, but it's like he's grown!" His little legs are just as fat and adorable as they can be! And he is getting to be so long. We go for his 4 month check up and the dreaded shots next Tuesday (on his birthday) and I can't wait to see how much he's grown height and weight wise in the past two months.

Connor is also starting to realize that he can do things with his hands. He was at Martha's last week sometime and she said he grabbed a hold of the napkin she was holding and was just looking at it like "I did that??". He's starting to touch his toys more and even trying to hold the bottle a little. He's also starting to roll just a little bit. He's rolled several times already, purely by accident, but now he's laying on his side, almost turning over.

We bought a Baby Einstein movie over the weekend and played it for him Sunday night. We figured if we laid him on his tummy and positioned him to see the TV, he might stay for more than his usual 10-15 minutes. He stayed the entire half hour! And he was just a smilin' and talkin' to the TV. So funny to watch. I included a video for you guys to see of it. Enjoy!

This week Mommy has a physical and then we have physical therapy on Thursday. Daddy is heading to Nashville for the weekend to see Uncle Tim (his twin) graduate from Vanderbuilt with his MBA. Congratulations, Uncle Tim! We are all so very proud of you!

We also worked it out with Martha to keep Connor full time for all of July & August. He will officially start school on Monday August 24th. I better stock up in Kleenex. Just the thought of it makes me want to cry! It's good for him & I know he'll benefit from it, but still - it's my little boy! :(

Hope everyone has a good week. Hopefully I will have some pictures for you soon.