Thursday, September 24, 2009

Laurel is here!

Baby Laurel sucking her thumb. That's Aunt Kathy behind her.

The Evans Family - from L to R - Laurel, Michael, Noah & Martha

Michael & Laurel just coming in from their 18 hour plane ride!

Noah while he was waiting for his Da Dat to come home.

As many of you know, my cousin Michael and his wife Martha (who kept Connor until he was able to go to preschool) have been in the process of adopting a little girl from the Ukraine. On Saturday September 19th - after almost six weeks of traveling - Michael and Laurel finally arrived back home in the US! Everyone is doing well and settling in just fine. I know this was a long journey for both Michael & Martha and very difficult to leave their son, Noah, behind while traveling to the Ukraine to get everything in order. We are glad that the process is behind them and that they can now enjoy their new daughter.
Congratulations, guys! We are so very happy and excited for you! We lovingly welcome Laurel to the family and can't wait to get to know her better!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Lots of Updates

Uncle Tim & Connor

Aunt Rebekah & Connor

My first wound! You wouldn't believe me if I told you how this one happened!

See the skinned nose? Accident #2 last week. Connor did a face plant on the playground at school. Oh yes - those are prunes he's eating and yes, Daddy was feeding him.

Ahhhh - it's bath time!

Rubber ducky you're the one . . .

Huh? What's that?

Jailbird. :) He actually really enjoys playing in here at dinner time.

This was Connor while we were singing Happy Birthday to him yesterday.

You want some of this???

Just wouldn't be a post without a pic of my other family . . .

Big poppa and two of the little ones.

Wow - lots has happened since our last post.

In good news - Connor has his two bottom teeth! They are so adorable. Of course, he doesn't like to open his mouth and show them to you, so the only time we can see them really well is at night when he falls asleep. I then get out the little flashlight and open his mouth so we can look at them. Soooo cute!

Our little boy is also crawling! He does a really good job of the army crawl and the teachers at school say he is keeping up with the older kids. I'd say he started the crawling about a week or so ago - around seven and a half months. And let me just say - this is a whole new change for us. Now that he is mobile, he is in to everything. You can't just sit and watch him any longer - you're trying to get ahead of him, anticipating what he might reach for next. It's tiring, but so much fun. I did try to upload a video of this but it just will not upload! Sorry!!

On a note so good note - poor Connor had his very first illness last week. Silver lining - at least he was 7 and a half months before he ever really caught his first cold. On the not so bright side, it was a viral infection that lasted several days (that he passed on to Mom) that turned into a double ear infection! We went to the doctor three times last week and I am confident they knew I was a first time Mom. I didn't know what to do with a sick child! At least we will know what to do should he get sick in the future.

My grandmother used to say that when we were sick, she'd stay up with us all night. And even now, at the ripe 'ole age of 31, she still will call me several times a day if I am sick to see how I am feeling. I never quite understood that. Until now. Amazing what experiencing this on your own can do for you. Kevin and I make quite a good pair as far as this is concerned because I panic over everything where sickness is concerned and Kevin is very nonchalant about sickness. Brings us to a good medium.

But to make matters worse last week - not only was Connor sick, they also gave him a flu shot, he was teething with that second bottom tooth and he had his first couple of accidents and wounds last week too. My poor little boy!

In other news - Martha is back home!! YAY!! Michael (my cousin) is still over in the Ukraine finalizing the adoption of their little girl. He and Laurel are expected home next Saturday. Please pray for a quick and safe trip home for him and Laurel and that she will adjust nicely to this change in her life.

School is going well for Connor and he has adjusted well. I do think that he was a little overstimulated at first because he would wake quite often in the night and you'd have to go in to comfort him and get him back to sleep (Dad's job for the most part). Once he had been in school a couple weeks though, this went down to maybe once or twice a night - just having to give him his pacy back.

Mom & Dad went to Uncle John and soon to be Aunt Sarah's couples shower a couple of weekends ago, which was alot of fun. Aunt Rebekah kept Connor for a few hours while we did that. We also got to see Aunt Krissy and Uncle Wes as well as Uncle Tim that weekend too since they were visiting from out of town.

Speaking of family . . . Kevin's Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jim have just moved here from the DC area. Kevin's grandparents moved here from the DC area this weekend also. Ironically, Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jim have not visited our house before, but their realtor took them to look at a house on our street - not knowing that is where we lived! Small world. They ended up choosing another house though, but we would have been happy to have them as neighbors!!

Cousin Jordan and Cousin Caleb are now playing football. They are practicing now, but should have their first games in a couple weeks. We'll try to make it and get some pics to post on here.

I think that is all that has been going on lately, but there could be some things I missed. Its late at night (since I don't have alot of free time to update the blog) so if I forgot to mention something, family, I'm sorry!

Hope everyone has a great week. More to come soon. And Happy 8 Months to our darling baby boy!