Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Little Gym

Climbing on the mat . . . I think I can!

It's a little tall for me just yet . . .

Meet Connor and . . . Connor! Two Connor's in the class!

They all want the bubbles.

Happy Boy chasing the bubbles!

Catching some rays at the pool.

Not sure what Daddy is doing, but Connor was very happy!

Now Daddy is happy and we don't know what Connor is doing!

We signed Connor up for something called the Little Gym. It's a fun place for kids to go where they can further develop their social skills and wear off some of that energy they have. It's not a workout session by any means, but they do activities that help to stretch the body.
At first Connor was a little cautious, as usual, but he warmed up quickly to it. Miss Christy told us if the kids run off the mat, checking things out - let them. It's their way of becoming comfortable in their environment. And sure enough, just like she said, he would always come running back and join the group. Naturally, he wasn't the only one wandering off.
They change activities every few minutes and sing a song at the change of each activity. For example, they will sing "It's time to play with the balls today, balls today, balls today, it's time to play with the balls today, at the Little Gym". They play with jingle bells, balls, bubbles, a parachute (the kids get on it and we spin them around and we also wave it up and down over the kids). Then they get free time to roam the gym and play on the mats, the equipment. Connor did the rings (you know, the ones gymnasts use), the tunnels, the balance beam, things like that. The class is only 45 minutes long, but then we went to Wal Mart for just a few minutes afterward. When we got in the car to go home, he was out in less than a minute. We are considering signing him up for something similar, though it geared more towards music (since he loves watching music stuff on Nick Jr) and is hosted by the Town of Cary. If we do that, he will have the Little Gym and leave and go right to music class and then home for lunch.
As most of you know, he got bit at school last week by another child. I guess Connor had a toy and the other kid wanted it, so he/she bit Connor for it. You could see the mark a day or two afterwards. Didn't break the skin though. But, ever since then he has reached a 'hitting phase". He wants to hit Mommy & Daddy and of course Buddy & Chloe. Poor Buddy just wants to be left alone and all Connor wants to do is chase him. Chloe will play with Connor, but Buddy is the grumpy old man so he is not interested in playing. We're trying to teach Connor to give Buddy his space. It's not working yet. :)
At any rate, we asked the teacher about it and we have some new approaches that we are going to try for the hitting. Just a phase he is going through she says. He'll grow out of it.
He still loves to go outdoors. We've taken him to the pool about 3 times already and of course, our trip to the beach. It's been so hot out though I hate to take him out there. We color on the driveway with sidewalk chalk, swing in his swing, push the wagon or tricycle and sweep. He loves to sweep the garage. He's also showing some signs of being a neat child. Every time he passes a door that is open - he closes it. We know where he gets that from - Momma!
I was in the laundry room last night and noticed that Kevin had left out a pair of shorts and a shirt that both had food stains on them and needed to be treated. I told him now we know where Connor gets his messy eating habits from. He is honestly the messiest eater in his class!
We got the papers that he is moving up to the next class in about a month (around 7/12). I hate to see him leave Mrs. Melinda's class, but I know it has to be done. She has been just wonderful to work with and she adores Connor. Both of his teachers say that he is very expressive - you can just see the joy and amazement on his face when something interests him or makes him happy. And of course he lets you know when he is mad. He's got a little temper on him. If you tell him no to something, he takes his pacy out and just throws it on the floor. Like, HA! Look what I just did. Now what are you going to do about it?? NA NA NA NA NA NA
Not much else going on around here. The 4th is just around the corner and I can't wait to take Connor to the fireworks again. Hopefully he likes them just as much this year as last year. He's really so much fun to be around these days. He runs and plays and interacts so well with us. This past weekend I did nothing but play with Connor and I loved it. I'd much rather be playing with him than doing anything else. And since he goes to bed so early, I can catch up on laundry then! We just love our little boy!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

We just got a post, we just got a post, we just got a post - wow, its about time!

Kebina and Little Kebina

Showing off my walking legs . . .

Hmmmm. Do I dare go down this slide? He did decide to!

Going across the bridge . . .

Excuse me sir, do you know how fast you were going?

He really was happy - you just have to grab a shot when you can these days!

Loves to ride in his little red wagon . . .

And sometimes, we like to throw Chloe in there with him.

Cool dude. He has some much cooler shades now though.

I think Daddy is having more fun than Connor!

Yup. One kid loves another. :)

Loves the swings at the playground in our neighborhood.

I don't remember when this was taken, but it looks like spaghetti night!

Connor did enjoy the snow we had a couple months ago!

Wow . . . Where does the time go? I can't believe it has been so long since I posted, but once Connor found his walking legs, it was all over. The child is always on the go - such a boy! He loves to climb any and everything. When I picked him up one day last week at school, his teacher told me just that day he had climbed onto the table and across it to get another child's cheerios. :) Too funny! He also has learned how to hike his leg up so he can try to climb into the bathtub! I guess it is our own fault. We bought him a slide as one of his Easter presents and it is one that does not have steps. Rather, it has a little ledge that you climb onto, so you can sit and play before sliding down. He loves climbing all over the thing.

Now that is has become warm, we've also discovered just how much Connor likes being outdoors! We usually leave the back door open so that he can go out onto the covered porch as much as he likes and just lock the screen door out there. I think he just likes the challenge of getting in and out of there. We had a plumbing issue a couple weeks ago and they've recently torn up the hardwoods, waiting for the subflooring to dry before they lay new hardwoods. So that means there is a little bump getting onto that section and getting off. He loves to walk up and down that area and push his push toys over the little humps.

He's still getting colds a little too often for me, but hey, that's daycare. Just a lot of runny noses and coughs. You get it well and it returns again. Probably something to do with allergies too. I know mine have been a pain since Spring started. Other than that, very healthy! He had a 15 month check up two weeks ago and is still 75% for height and weight and 85% for head size. We were at the park today (which he loved) and there was a little girl there with her grandma. She asked me how old Connor was and I said 15.5 months and she was like OH WOW! He is going to be a big boy! Connor was JUST as big as the little 2 year old girl. Amazing.

He's really talking pretty good. He is supposed to have a vocabulary of about 10 words right now. He can say duck (his first word), more, all done, (he also signs those two words), mama, dada, bye bye, hi, and book. Those are the ones he says most often (and of course, he tries to say Buddy and Chloe a little bit) and every once in a while he throws another word in there. Today he learned the word pacy (for his pacifier) but he called it "pass". Close enough for me! If you ask him where things are, he can point to them - mickey mouse (on a chair in his play room), fish, big truck, ball, light, fan, high chair, shoes, nose, ears, hair, bus - things like that. He's moving right along doing all the things he should be at this age.

We did, though, have to make a couple of changes. First, we took away his bedtime milk. He was getting a bottle or sippy cup of milk at bedtime and really, he gets enough ounces during the day at school, so we took the night time feeding away. He barely noticed. The first night he looked at me like where is it, but didn't put up any fuss at all. The second night, he didn't even give me the look! The second change we had to make was making him put himself to bed. I let him sit in my lap watching Nick Jr every night before bed and that's where he fell asleep (and I admit it, I fell asleep with or before him quite a bit!). Then he would get moved to his bed. So , we decided no more of that (though I really, really miss it - I mean one day he won't want to sit on my lap at all! Shouldn't you hold on to these things as long as you can??!). First night, he was so tired he fell asleep in the car on the way home from my grandma's house. He didn't stir when I took him out of the car seat, into the house (where the dogs were barking) and I put him straight to bed. I believe that is the ONLY night he has not had a bath before bed time. I hated not to give it to him, but I hated worse to wake him. Second night, he cried 20 minutes. Third night, maybe 6 or 7. Third night, maybe 2-3. Now no more tears! I bathe him, get him ready for bed and then Kevin and I take turns holding him and getting our hugs and kisses good night and then one of us (because it is VERY important that Kevin do this sometimes too in case I am not here for one reason or another) puts him down in his crib, tell him we love him, we're right outside if he needs us and night night. Not one fuss in days! He also does really well with nap time too - same thing. Goes right down. He doesn't nap as long as I'd like but that's another story.

The next change we're working on is backing up his bed time. He was going to bed around 8:45 or so, but he gets up between 6 and 6:30 most days. That is NOT good on weekend mornings! So, the doc suggested backing up his bed time. Sounds crazy, but she says he is not getting into the really deep sleep but that if he were he'd probably sleep longer. So, we backed it up to 8:30 and then 8:15 and now tonight 8am for the first time. We'll do this slowly until he is at a 7:30 bedtime. Wow - I won't know what to do with myself! Maybe catch up the ironing or the blog since those are the things I find it hardest to get to. :) Hopefully he'll begin sleeping in until 7am.

After all that is done (and hopefully works), we'll move him to a big boy bed in the next few months, start potty training (maybe 18 months?) and self feeding. He does really well with spoon feeding himself now, for the most part, but he needs to get used to that a little more. He's starting to become very independant. There were some items he still let us spoon feed to him, but not anymore. He wants the spoon AND the cup and he wants to do it himself! He does best with applesauce and yogurt (we found a kind he actually likes!). Although one night he was still eating and Kevin had gone upstairs for something and I was working on the dishes and I turn around he has taken the cup of applesauce, thrown it over the side of the high chair and it landed ALL OVER BUDDY! Poor dog. Speaking of, we had company last night for dinner (Aunt Jenn, Uncle John & Aunt Sarah) and I was in the kitchen making a salad. As usual, Connor decides he needs Mommy to pick him up. I've gotten REALLY GOOD at doing things one handedly! So, I had just cut some cucumber and of course, he wanted some. So I am feeding him some and throwing some more into the bowl. I then took some trash to the trash can, start walking back to the cutting board and pass the nice big yellow salad bowl on the way. You can guess what happens next. Connor grabs the bowl, pulls it off the counter and WHAM! Breaks all over the floor, salad flying everywhere. And poor Connor - it startled him so bad he was in tears. I just kept telling him, its OK, it was just an accident, Mommy's not mad - but dang it, I really wanted some salad! LOL Oh well. Never a dull moment around here.

I can't think of much else that is going on since we last wrote. He is completely out of the helmet, of course. His head looks GREAT! We are so pleased with it. He has 3 bottom teeth and 4 top teeth. He also has molars coming in. He is getting all kinds of scrapes and bruises from falling and just being a boy. He hardly ever cries anymore when he falls. He hates having his toenails cut, but does not mind the fingernails. He likes being tickled and riding on Daddy's shoulders.

We have enrolled Connor in The Little Gym, so we start that in another month or so. We'll go on Saturday mornings and he'll play in the gym for an hour or so. Should be lots of fun. My friend Annie is going to teach both Connor and I how to swim, which I am really excited about it. I sort of know how, I just don't know how to tread water. So, we'll get to spend a lot of time at the pool this summer. :)

Other than that, not much else going on. Next weekend is my second real Mother's Day, which I am very excited about. Saturday will also mark the 2 year anniversary of when I found out we were having Connor. I don't think I'll forget that moment for as long as I live. Kev and I have our six year wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks too. Busy month for us. Not sure what we'll do yet, but I am sure we'll take it easy and just enjoy being a family. We really do love to spend all of our free time with each other. When we're not with Connor, our conversation somehow always steers back to what do you think he's doing now or I really miss the little fella. We just can't get enough of our son. We love you sweet guy!!PS - You know you are a parent when you can't get kids TV songs out of your head. The title of this post goes with the "We just got a letter" song from Blues Clues. These things really get stuck in your head! PSS - Uncle Tim I am still working on trying to get a video on here. I can't seem to figure out how to get the camcorder to upload a video, though I have tried several times! Will take one on my camera so we can get one on here soon.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy First Birthday, Son!

Dearest Connor,

Happy First Birthday, Son! It's hard to believe that just one year ago today, you came into our lives just as smoothly and calmly as your good natured personality is today. You did just what you were supposed to and made labor very easy for Mommy! We are so very proud of you, sweetheart, and couldn't have asked for a better little boy. We promise to always love you, take care of you and support you for as long as we both shall live. You are our life now & we are so very blessed to have you! We love you, Connor!


Mom & Dad

PS - You had an excellent first birthday! We only sang to you about a dozen times (which you thoroughly enjoyed!), daycare sang to you & served you cupcakes that Mommy made for you. We picked you up a little early and took you to Monkey Joe's - which you loved and then out to a nice dinner where you had Penne Alfredo and applesauce! Such the big boy!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Connor's First Birthday Party

Connor with his Great Grandparents (Kevin's Grandparents)

Mommy helped me open ALL my gifts. Next year it is Daddy's turn!

As you can tell, I was more interested in playing than the actual opening gifts part.

The bib Aunt Becca gave me says it all.

This is one of my all time fave pics. Cousin Jordan isn't usually so calm and sweet as he is in this pic, shows a different side of him . . . to me anyway.

All right. Down to my birthday suit (sort of). Where's the cake??

As you can see, I did NOT like getting messy.

Connor with one of his favorite Christmas toys. Mom & Dad got him this one.

Practicing my baseball skills early.

Mom & Connor hanging out in the playroom.

Hmmmmm. Now how does THIS work?

Connor cruising the log at the mall, on a playdate.

See, Mom, I can do it!

Another favorite picture. He looks a little wistful here.

Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier!

Connor's playmate, Chase.

This is how Mr. Connor likes to fall asleep. My precious angel.

Connor does NOT like his new winter coat, as you can see!

Got me some new kicks! Stride Rites - they'll help me to walk!

Connor on Christmas Morning.

The tree (the pink pigs are for the dogs).

He did not like the messy cupcake on his hand.

Connor at his school Christmas party. Munchin on a cheese puff!

Are Mom & Dad watching me?

Yesterday was Connor's First Brthday Party! He had a good time, but was very tired! He only napped about an hour in the early afternoon yesterday and he finally went to bed about 8:45 last night. Slept good, though. Have to admit - we did too!

He must take after his mother though. He did not enjoy making a mess with his cake. He played in it for a few minutes and then was crying to get away from it. :) He was like that at his Thanksgiving party at school also - he put his fingers in his cupcake and then was waving his hand all around trying to get if off of there!

He wasn't too into opening his gifts, as suspected. He is visually stimulated by them once they are open though. He loves all of his new toys and most definitely his new clothes (of which we are very appreciative). Got several new books, which is always good, and some money to go towards the TV we'll be buying for his playroom (that's our present to him) and some to go to his college education fund. He got a new BIG Tonka truck, which seems to be his favorite (good job, Uncle Tim!), a monkey puppet (soooo cute) that goes with his 5 Little Monkeys book, a sippy cup with his name on it (LOVE IT), a birthday boy angel, a guitar, a push mower, a construction equipment puzzle (my favorite - reminds me of cousin Jeff) and more. Thanks to everyone who came and thank you for all of the gifts.

In other news, we find out tomorrow whether Connor has 2 weeks or 4 weeks left in his helmet. She added a patch at the last appointment to be even more aggressive in getting his head to finish rounding out. Wwe are hopeful it is only 2 more weeks. I have to admit that I will miss it when it is gone, but Kevin will not. It gives me great relief to know that he is protected with it on. Yesterday, he went without it at his party and ended up with two bumps on his forehead, a scratch on top of the head and a scratch on one eyelid! POOR THING! I felt so bad. He kind of looked like cousin Caleb by nights end with all the bumps and scrapes.

Connor also has 6 teeth coming in. He's been really good about it, but sometimes he does get a little fussy about them. He is drooling like crazy! They include his front two teeth and his left canine, so they aren't easy ones. The left front tooth has broken through and is coming in nicely, the right front is still breaking through the gums. He is also going through some separation anxiety lately. He had tears streaming down his face when Dad dropped him off at school a couple times this week. Better him than me. I'd have to take him back home and call in to work!

He's also very close to walking. He got his first pair of hard soled shoes a couple of weeks ago, but has really been wearing them for about a week now. He's trying to adjust his balance from going from soft soled to hard soled shoes. Any day now he is gonna let go and take a few steps. He will take steps between us and between items (couch and table) if it is within arm's reach. He can cruise down the wall easily and LOVES to climb the stairs. We put a gate at the top of the stairs not long ago so I don't know if it is the gate or the challenge of the stairs that attracts him the most.

Tuesday is his 1stbirthday, so we'll probably do something special with him that evening & probably send cupcakes or something to school with him so he can celebrate. Thursday we have his one year check up and shots, so that is always fun. He is such a good sport about everything. He cries for just one second after the shots and he's over it. Such a trooper, our little man.

That's about it for now. Hope everyone has a great week!